Home Forms FAQ Billing Info COVID-19

New office procedures due to COVID-19

  1. All patients will be screened at time of scheduling and prior to appointments.
  2. Please wait in your car upon arrival and text or call to notify us of your arrival.
  3. When your private treatment room is ready a member of staff will meet you in the parking lot for screening and to take your temperature. If you are experiencing any symptoms or have an elevated temperature/fever, your appointment will be rescheduled.
  4. Please bring and wear your mask/face covering.
  5. Upon entering the building, both patient and staff will either wash hands or use hand sanitizer.
  6. Please minimize the items that you bring with to your appointment (i.e. books, jackets).
  7. Due to recommendations on social distancing, we are asking that adults have family members/drivers wait in their cars during the appointment.